Friday, December 9, 2011

More Viral Marketing news for TDKR The new website that has been created. It has a countdown clock that ends at 10am pacific standard time. I am saddened that I work at that time but rest assured I am going to try and talk my employer in letting me get to a computer to find out what is going on. Below is also another CIA document this time released by @thefirerises from Twitter.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Viral Campaign is off and running for The Dark Knight Rises...

So out of no where the supposed canceled viral campaign shows up. I found out about this at school but wasn't able to act on it until now. and have put up a CIA report. It is involving a Nuclear physicist named Dr. Pavel, both websites tease that these are clues to a upcoming event. That event of course is the Prologue, or perhaps something else. This is the same type of thing that was done with the Dark Knight before the prologue and the trailer with actual footage hit theaters. Never the less the campaign is off running, I am glad my semester for school is coming to a close, because now I don't have to worry about missing school to run around LA again if the opportunity presents itself again. I still have my Joker card and my citizens for batman bumper stickers. I am hoping more sites pop up like before. I am actually going to go back and look them up and see if anything has changed or is updated. Anyways... here are the CIA documents. I am going to be studying these things more then my school work for Finals.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

226 Days and counting till the Dark Knight Rises

So nothing really new to report just wanted to say that its 226 Days till the Nolan Trilogy comes to a close. I as you all know am counting down the days. The prologue comes out in a couple days. Apparently it is coming out on the 16th after all. Even though MI: Ghost Protocol comes out the 21st the IMAX version is still coming out on the 16th. So sorry for the confusion, I know in a earlier post I said that it wasn't going to be released on the 16th but it actually is. Christopher Nolan had this to say about the IMAX Prologue "Giving the fans an early look at an IMAX sequence is a great way to draw attention to what I believe will be an incredible way to experience our story when it comes out next summer."  It most certainly is I can't wait to geek out at Midnight on December 16th if its anything like the Dark Knight Prologue you know there will also be a trailer attached at the end. I am going to post a set pic of Christian Bale but it doesn't really reveal anything its just a cool pic.
Like I said nothing revealing but still a cool pic none the less. The IMAX Prologue is suppose to be the Origin of Bane. So it should be epic! I know this trailer is severly outdated but this was the trailer showed at the end of the Dark Knight Prologue, it was only 45 seconds but it still was enough to leave you wanting more. Hopefully Dark Knight Rises has one just like this.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Album Review of Papercut Chronicles II and other Cinema News...

So the before I get into the Album Review, just a update on the prologue release date, its not the 16th anymore, its now the 21st of December. It's still attached with Mission: Impossible IV aka Ghost Protocol.  The prologue is going to be very similar to the Dark Knight one, and what I mean by that is, it is the first 6 to seven minutes of the film like before, and it shows the origin of Bane in the Nolan timeline, just like the Dark Knight Prologue showed Joker's origin in the timeline. Its also only attached to IMAX copies of Ghost Protocol, just like Dark Knight's was attached to IMAX copies of I Am Legend. Paul Franklin the Dark Knight Rises Visual Effects Supervisor tweeted a link on his twitter to official IMAX theatres so you can see the prologue. Just like Paul Franklin I too am providing the link. List of Official Imax Theaters The theater I am seeing it at is the Edwards at the Ontario Mills. So if you will be there expect to see me there as well, on Dec 20th at Midnight, please note that after the prologue I will be walking out because I don't care for the Mission Impossible Franchise. In other releated Rises news another cover of Banes Empire cover magazine has been released, its a limited edition one. This franchise has gone back to sucking the money out of me. I also now have to start buying the shirts again, as the first official one has been released, its the teaser poster.
Straight up Bad Ass

So now for the Album Review... as you may or may not know, I am an avid Gym Class Heroes fan. For the last year I have been pretty excited and hyped up for this album to come out. I became even more hyped up when I saw a teaser performance of their new album at Club Nokia this past summer. Just when I thought my hype at reached its peak you could only imagine how more stoked I was when I found out I would be receiving the album a week early due to ordering their VIP package for their concert at the Grove with the Dirty Heads. Bottom line I really wanted this album to come out. So as you might know they cancelled their concert I bought and thus my VIP package was cancelled. Besides leaving a sour taste in my mouth due to making a couple of media appearances and performances after cancelling their tour due to Travie's hospitalization. I still love this album. I have literally raped my replay button and have just looped this album over and over again. It was truly worth the hype. It feels like Papercut Chronicles one to me but just better. Now I will admit I am still bitter about the whole concert thing, more so because they are still going to Jingle Ball for Kiss FM but I guess I will eventually get over it. My favorite songs off the album are not really the singles. Holy Horseshit Batman is by far my favorite track and not for the title, it sums up how I feel about religion and that's why I really like the song, I totally identify with it. Solo Discotheque(Whiskey Business) is the next track followed by Kid Nothing and the Never-Ended Nightmare. Then the singles just fall into place, I like Ass Back Home over Stereo Hearts now and then Fighter. I am aware that I didn't need to name off the order of the songs but I felt like I should. This album was very well done, a interesting note is that in Kid Nothing which is the last track there is a 3 minute gap of silence followed by the outro by an audio voice, I personally think its funny but that is just me. As you can tell I heavily recommend this album it is really good. Its the first album all year that I have been excited for that didn't disappoint. Mind you Gym Class Heroes is one of my favorite bands so I am some what biased, I do feel though that if you pick up this album 9 out of 10 says you will enjoy it.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

 Just wishing everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. Hope your holiday weekend is a memorable and safe one. Here's another pic from the Long Halloween Comics.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Well over due update (yet again)

All of November is almost gone and this blog only has two updates for the month of November. I sincerly appologize, I know ive said this before but I do plan on updating this more. Just a little recap of new info for the Dark Knight Rises.

I already posted this info before but it needs to be restated. A 6 minute prologue has been attached to Mission Impossible 4, in Imax of course. The Prologue hits theaters December 16th 2011. Another interesting tidbit is that a 2nd Trailer is being rumored to be attached to Sherlock Holmes 2. So if that rumor is true expect mass internet buzz around the 13th for leaked footage of the trailer, if it does exist. As far as set news I am sad to report nothing big has come about. In all honesty I kept myself in the dark during the New York set so that I wouldn't ruin the film for myself. I am sure if you look else where you will get your fix of set pics and set reports. The one time stuff I posted in October was simply that, a one time deal. Today though Empire Magazine revealed a dueling cover set for Dark Knight Rises. One is of course the Caped Crusader himself, the other is the Venom filled Warrior Bane. This shot is considered an official reveal, his viral reveal was also official but it wasn't a shot of him from the front like the Magazine cover. I for one am going to buy both these magazines and possibly frame them...yeah its a little weird but eh when there worth something one day I will be happy that I did it.

In Arkham City news, I thought I had encountered a glitch but it wasn't a glitch it was actually Big Head Mode. I looked it up on IGN and they show the proper way to do it. I did this by accident and didn't save my game after, I am not sure if you can switch back from Big Head Mode, but I am sure its just a matter of doing the same thing over again. Besides the little easter egg, for those of you who did not preorder the game at Best Buy. Robin will be available for purchase on the 22nd. Its all the same stuff you would of gotten at Best Buy just not for free. Remember to get all the achievements or trophies you do need Robin, so if your thinking about passing on the DLC pack know you won't be able to get them all.
Tuesday the 22nd Robin Packed Released 

So that's all I got, hope it was enjoyable blog update. The next update won't be 2 weeks from now it will be much sooner. I plan on doing some album reviews later in the week. So until then, I leave you this.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Laggin on Updates, here is why

My friend posted this on his Facebook I thought I would share it with everyone too

So as most of you know I have done really bad at updating this. It started off well and then declined, basically you saw where my life got hectic haha... anyways, reason why other then school has been that I just got a job, I now work at Best Buy. Ive been training and been really busy with school too. Midterms that I bombed...all that fun stuff. In random news about my life, I am currently working on a couple side projects, as far as the school radio stations I am trying to get my show idea passed and approved. Its a metal show, so hopefully it gets approved and I can get that rolling in the Winter. Other side project that will take longer is a short film. I have been inspired to do my own batman film, its gonna be a piece based on Black Mask, a nolanized version if you will. I got a rough draft pieced together, I am hoping to begin filming that sucker early spring. Not sure if I wanna youtube it or just keep it in my personal collection.

As far as TDKR news pretty much same boat nothing new other then spoilers. There are rumors floating around that we will get a second trailer soon. Most likely early December. So that is pretty cool, uh I still haven't gotten to watch Batman Year One, its on the list, and as soon as my discount at Best Buy kicks in, I am buying it. As far as Arkham City news, Nightwing came out last Tuesday. I still haven't gotten him and in fact I haven't been able to be where I want to be with the game. I beat the story have one more side mission to do, then I just gotta get all the Riddler trophies for Catwoman and Batman. I was hoping to already have it beaten all the way on Normal and then be trying to get 100 percent on hard and story plus but all the stuff I mentioned earlier is getting in the way. I did find a cool Scarecrow easter egg, I am proud of myself for finding it before this video, I am not talking about his mask location but a cool little thing on the boat in the harbor, Check out the video and you will see what I am talking about.

Thats pretty much all I got for this blog post. I just want to let everyone know I am still alive, or rather still plan on updating this blog. Its just taking a while, I do hope to keep this sucker going as long as possible, well after my fall semester, in case you haven't figured it out, that is partially why this blog exists, I had to create it for school. I am trying to update it more then the required one a week thing, just very difficult as you can all see. Anyways I am done with this rant....

Monday, October 31, 2011

Dark Knight Rises Prologue....

So chances are this won't me super new to people, I know I am very late on posting this info up but regardless Im still putting it up. Remember when Dark Knight was in production and they attached the first 10 min of the Dark Knight to I am Legend. Warner Bros.  is doing it again with Dark Knight Rises, this time they are attaching it to Mission Impossible IV. I personally do not like the Mission Impossible franchise but I will still be going to see it, only thing is once the Rises prologue is done I will leave the theatre and ask for my money back. This of course is an IMAX exclusive, in case you didn't know the Dark Knight Rises is being shot with IMAX cameras so this time around the whole thing will be bigger and better. I strongly feel that this movie, the Dark Knight Rises, will not be victim to the dreaded third movie curse.....anyways that I all got I am keeping a look out for spoiler free news but is very hard to find now a days.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Arkham City is Amazing!!!

This game by far will win game of the year. It totally submerses you in the Batman Universe. I have totally enjoyed playing this game, it is partially the reason that I haven't updated the blog this week. Throw in school, work and Horror Nights and you got all the reasons I haven't been updating. I really will try to post something once a day...

Anyways back to the subject. For those who haven't picked up the game you really should go out and buy it, I got the Collector's Edition and it was really worth it. The game play is amazing, with any game it can get repetitive though, but the story is interesting and the different use of all the villains is really cool. Even though I am totally biased because its batman this game is really good. Its gotten perfect scores and has been praised visually as well as story wise. Cool thing is the challenge maps allow you to play as other characters besides Batman. You can play as Catwoman, Robin, and Nightwing. Robin and Nightwing are DLC though. You also can change the appearance of the characters in challenge maps, for instance I played as Catwoman from the animated series. For Batman the skins you can change are; The Dark Knight Returns Skin, Batman Beyond, Batman Animated Series...etc. Catwoman, has the Long Halloween, and the Animated Series. I am not entirely sure of Robin and Nightwing yet, I know Robin has a Red Robin Skin, and the Animated Series Skin. In fact Nightwing might be a skin for Robin but I do think he is a stand alone character. Anyways seriously check this game out if you haven't you will be glad you did. Here is the last trailer released by RockSteady to get you to enjoy this game.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Plethora of Videos

I just thought this pic was cool and wanted to post it

So I was hoping to post a trailer a day for Arkham City starting last week but that didn't go so well as you can tell. Being Producer of a morning show and then other homework on top of that is really taking up my time. So I decided to put up one of the morning shows podcast up. I put this one up because: one, it was giving me a hard time because of the Avengers trailer in it, and two, it has the Avengers trailer in it so enjoy that. Below that is a couple Arkham City Trailers. Tomorrow I will post some more Arkham City Trailers and hopefully if all goes well I pick up my game at midnight tomorrow and play that sucker all day Tuesday.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Been lagging on updates...

I've really been dropping the ball on updating lately. For that I apologize, as far as Dark Knight Rises news, nothings really changed.

There has been a video surfacing that has key spoilers in it, its a video of the production and it basically gives away a huge chunk of the plot, maybe even possibly the climax of the film. I haven't seen it, thank god, and I don't plan on looking for it. Just be very cautious when looking up news on Rises because chances are most sites who don't give a flip about revealing spoilers will have it posted. I am posting a video of Tom Hardy proving to the Fanboys that he did bulk up for the role of Bane, you can tell with the naked eye, just fanboys are still whining that he isn't big enough. Personally I say get the F*&#! over it because he looks like Bane hes got the mask and his buff and he kicks Batman's ass, aside from a Venom tube he sounds like Bane to me. Thing is venom tube or no venom tube his character will still be better then the Bane from Batman and Robin and will actually be intelligent like in the comics so I am super excited to see him on the big screen.

On October 18th, not only does Arkham City come out, but another cool Batman thing coming out is the animated film Batman Year One. Now this film is highly praised for being really faithful to the comics. Its defnitely something worth seeing. Its not really Batman Begins in cartoon form, it is similar to it but at the same time definitely has its own identity. I am also picking up this film on the 18th as well. So sometime during that week I will post a review up of the film, of course after I give the Batman Arkham City game a once over in terms of beating the games story. Notable voice actors for this one are Benjamin McKenzie as Batman/Bruce Wayne, McKenzie was in the show the O.C. as Ryan Atwood, I never saw it but thats what IMDB lists as his most notable role. Catwoman makes an appearance in this film and shes played by Eliza Dushku, however the Catwoman appearance is in a short film attached with the DVD. So its not really in the Year one film, but either way its still something to check out.

 So that it as far as an update I got another video for Arkham City, I am still gonna keep up on posting the trailers, so if I don't update in terms of news expect the Arkham City Trailers. I will also post up a Year One trailer just not on this update. So as far as anticipation goes I am super excited for this game, and the Batman movie Year one, its definitely is a perfect time to be a fan of Batman because of all the stuff coming out.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Morning Show Podcast, plus Batman Arkham City Teaser

So I haven't announced my new title on the blog. I am now the producer of the morning show for, 8ballz in the Morning. I am putting up the podcast here so you can check it out.

As promised I will be putting up the Arkham City Trailers, I realize its old but Im doing this to build up hype for the 18th. This isn't a teaser its actually a hidden Easter egg in Arkham Asylum but it is very relevant to Arkham City.

Friday, October 7, 2011

The Simpsons, looks like they might finally say Goodbye

So after 23 years of being on the air, Fox might have to pull the plug on Americas cartoon family The Simpsons. Its hard to believe, its even harder to believe the reason behind it. With all things there is always one key point and this is no different the situation behind the Simpsons being cancelled is money. Fox released this statement

"We believe this brilliant series can and should continue, but we cannot produce future seasons under its current financial model, We are hopeful that we can reach an agreement with the voice cast that allows 'The Simpsons' to go on entertaining audiences with original episodes for many years to come." 20th Century Fox Television.

There are 6 cast members that are having a dispute over the funds of their contracts, 4 of them being the Simpsons Family themselves. Homer,(Dan Castellaneta) Marge, (Julie Kavner) Lisa (Yeardley Smith) and Bart (Nancy Cartwright).  Fox followed up with a news update on the Daily Beast saying that if the actors refused to take a 45% pay cut the show would be canceled, making the final season being the 24th so it would end this year. The almost tragic irony is the producers and everyone else involved was ok with the pay cut but the voice actors are the ones holding out. Fox can't afford to keep the show a float, the show has managed to stay on despite being way past its primes in terms of what the earlier seasons delivered. I personally like the first 9 seasons. After that there's only really certain shows from the seasons after that I find memorable, or really funny. Anyways back to the point, Fox obviously wants the show to continue, just the way the show is now its not financially successful. Either way the show is record breaking for lasting this long, it should be able to warrant a final send off. Going out this way leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I admit I haven't watched the Simpson's religiously in the recent years but I do watch the older seasons every now and then so it saddens me that this is happening to the show. It will be weird to turn on the TV and see something else in its place on Sunday after its had that spot for so long. I am still a fan and I wanted to see one more Simpson's movie. Hopefully this sour note doesn't taint the possibility of a Simpson's 2 on the big screen. I hope this problem gets resolved, I do feel the Simpson's should end its run soon and should not go past 25 seasons but it should at least have the chance to make it that far, coming up short by one number really makes the show look defeated. Either way this goes, the Simpson's will be able to say that there show is the record holder for the longest running scripted television series, broadcasted in more then 100 countries and 50 languages. Its got a ride at Universal Studios, has a walk on the Hollywood Hall of Fame, and can say that it easily cemented itself in American Pop Culture for the last 20 years.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

The Joker in Dark Knight Rises... yeah right Let's not blow this out of porpotion

Okay so lets get the rumor in the title clarified, Joker is not returning. I put that in there simply to grab peoples attention. Nolan has clarified that Joker is not going to pop up in Rises at all. No cameo, no voice over, no picture, nothing. I am of course deeply saddened by this news but understand why it is that way. I bring this up because a lot of people have the idea that Joker is still in this movie, and that he is the big twist during the climax. Joesph Gordon Levitt's character is rumored to be the Joker in disguise. Its all but wishful thinking. Its not probable, it would be sort of cool but at the same time a cheap parlor trick. Yes Joesph Gordon Levitt and Heath Ledger have a similar appearance, but Joesph Gordon Levitt's character is a whole new character not in the comics just for the film, I know the name of the character but in case you want to be kept in the dark on it, I will black out his character's name. Just highlight it with the cursor so you can see it if you choose too. (John Blake) is the name of his character and he is a special cop in Gordon's Unit, he might have a hidden plot twist in the story but even if that is the case it won't be as the Joker. I would love for the Joker to show up, to be honest I have the way I want the scene to be played out in my head. It doesn't ever show his face and I feel its very respectful to Ledger and leaves everyone with an awesome feeling if they were to shoot it. My idea is show Harley Quinn break him out of his cell, show him from the back or show his shadow, you have his maniacal laugh echo through the asylum and then boom credit roll. I would geek out if that was real but it won't happen. If Levitt's Character does have a plot twist, I would bet it would involve him being part of the league of shadows or something along that. Definitely no Joker.

They might look the same but there is no chance that the Joker is being played by Levitt

Another rumored character in Rises is the character of Talia Al Ghul. That is the character that Marion Cotillard is rumored to be playing. Like Levitt's character, Marion has stated in interviews that her character is not in any comics and is solely made up for this film. That might be true but it is possible her character could be Talia Al Ghul. After all her father is in the movie, so it would make sense to have Talia in the movie if Ra's is. For those who don't know the character of Talia, she is the daughter of Ra's Al Ghul. She has a love and hate relationship with Batman, literally. She bares Batman's son Damian Wayne but because of her fathers hatred for Batman and her loyalty to Ra's she too tries to kill Batman. Like the whole Catwoman/Batman love thing there relationship is complicated. The reason her character is most likely in this movie is because there was a comic with Ra's, Bane and her. Ra's wanted Bane to marry her to take over the League of Shadows. Its possible that the comic could be played out in some context in the film but its not a fact.  Marion's character hasn't been confirmed as a major role but she has supposedly had scenes with Christian Bale, like Levitt's character I will blackout her name and you can scroll over it if you want. Miranda Tate, she is a executive adviser to Bruce Wayne. This is one of those rumors that is actually possible, I for one would like a similar plot twist to Begins where you find out her character is Talia Al Ghul but its simply speculation at this point.

Talia Al Ghul in the middle of Batman and Ra's Al Ghul.
There is a couple other rumors out there but I don't need to go into details on them. Everyone knows Harvey Dent isn't coming back at least in the present time line of the film. I have already given my two cents on Two-Face but if you need to hear it again its, ta dah... Nolan said he is dead. So there yeah go. Scarecrow hasn't been confirmed for a cameo, honestly he doesn't need one but if he pops up again then that's still pretty cool. Penguin and Riddler are not in the film, there characters might be mentioned as cameos but simply as their aliases Oswald Cobblepot and Edward Nashton or Nigma whatever the heck comic book continuity they go with for Riddler but as far as being in the film we all no that's a big fat NO. There is no Black Mask, there is supposedly a Mad Scientist character that has been added to the cast. I will try to find out more info on it, rumor is its Hugo Strange but I doubt it. Nolan has a lot of characters in the movie already, I know he would be able to pull off multiple villains because his whole Batman Universe has had multiple villains in each film but I doubt Strange would pop up as a key villain in the film. Then again I am not Nolan so you never know maybe its all true. One fact I will bring to this post is the Football Team for the movie is called the Gotham Rogues. Key Pittsburgh Steelers players are in the movie as part of the team, Hines Ward and Ben Roethlisberger are the two I know are confirmed. The logos pretty cool, I don't like the Steelers colors I am not a fan but if this shirt or jersey becomes available for purchase best believe I will buy it.
Not a fan of Steeler's colors but its still cool none the less

That's all I got for this post, its not really breaking news but there hasn't been really any big ones that I can report anyway. Remember I did break the posting set pics rule but the stuff I am posting isn't big shocking secrets that will really distract the overall experience of the film. There is a chance I might post set pics again but its very unlikely, they would have to be similar to what I posted last time. With the final two months of filming underway though I feel everything that would show up on the net would be spoilers anyway. So yeah enough about the rant, there is my latest post hope it entertained you for the time frame you read it.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

I broke my one rule...

So first off, let me apologize for not really updating this week. I'm trying to actually pass my classes this semester so homework has had me swamped, that and some personal vendettas as well. Updating the blog was not really on the priorities list for this week and to be honest I kind of want to put this week behind me because it wasn't a good one, also I apologize for not having a Red State review like I promised, the event sold out so I wasn't able to go. I have also been too busy to stream the movie but will eventually get to that its just gonna take a while, but anyways enough about me, lets talk Dark Knight Rises News.

So filming is pretty much done in Los Angeles. A casting call has been thrown out to New York, of course under that working title "Magnus Rex". A couple key scenes were shot in LA featuring the feline vixen, what seems to be the big buzz around miss Hathaway is her suit was finally fully revealed. I personally like it, it reminds me of the old Catwoman costume that Julie Newmar wore from Adam West's Batman. Once again however fanboys are lashing out, now its too much like a cat. I don't get it you can't ever please these people. This isn't the first time Nolan has used the 1960's Batman as inspiration for something in this film series. Remember the Joker clown mask in the bank robbery scene in the Dark Knight? Cesar Romero's Joker wore that mask first, so its safe to say Nolan gets his Batman sources from all related media. Not sure if Julie Newmar was an inspiration for the suit but you can't help but see the resemblance. The pic hasn't been officially revealed by Warner Bros, so the pics around the net are set pics. I know I said I wouldn't post any set pics up on this blog, but they don't really spoil anything. I came across them sort of by accident. I haven't looked up the plot or anything so these pics just cause anticipation and speculation for me, I hope posting them does the same for others. If seeing this pics has killed the integrity of the movie for you then I apologize. I felt that it was necessary for me to post them up and show whats been shot without really showing what has been shot. Does that even make sense? 

Julie Newmar on the left, Hathaway on the right. I don't see how this suit looks ridiculous

Romero's clown mask is almost identical to Heath's. Nolan definitely was a fan of the Adam West Batman
I am still super stoked for this movie more then you guys would know. My friend told me that one of her friends got to be an extra in the film and got to have a full on convo with Tom Hardy. I geeked out when she told me, I was also jealous because I auditioned for it, and as you can tell was not called back. Anyways the Bane pics I posted might be from LA they might not, they might be from Pittsburgh, I am not 100 percent sure and I am not really looking into it either. Enjoy them is all I am saying. I like his look, I am glad he doesn't have a giant tube in his head like in Arkham Asylum and Arkham City. Not entirely sure if anything will be added on to him in post production but if its not I am totally fine with it. He looks bad ass, and apparently is beating Bats pretty bad too. So that's all I got news wise, or at least what I am willing to reveal haha. There is still that false rumor that Aaron Eckhart will show up on a set, I don't get why, people are just in denial at this point. Two-Face is dead. You might get Liam Neeson but that right now is just a rumor too, I don't know of any scenes with Josh Pence that have been shot yet, for those who don't remember who he is, he is playing Ra's Al Ghul. I'm assuming his stuff is in New York or there is a good chance his stuff was shot overseas, One more thing I'm going to add before I end this is Juno Temple has been cast in this film as well. She is apparently the main girl in the new Three Musketeers movie, reason this is big is her character is rumored to be Holly Robinson. Holly Robinson is Catwoman's side kick. So that's it for this update on The Dark Knight Rises. Just as a teaser for the next one I will go into some rumors as to who certain actors are playing, like Joesph Gordon Levitt and Marion Cotilliard. There are a lot of rumors, stupid rumors, as to who there characters really are in the film, but I will touch on that next time. 
I like this outfit, its more urban then pro wrestler like in the comics
This pic is just bad ass, I'm just leaving it at that

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Blink 182 returns...or do they?

Today was the release of the long over due 6th Album of Blink 182, Neighborhoods, only thing is once you purchase the album it doesn't really sound like you bought a Blink album. For those who thought upon purchasing this album that you would be greeted with a Dude Ranch feel, jokes on you because that is not what is going on here at all. Now Blink 182 wasn't exactly going to go back to their upbeat songs about first dates, small things, and asking what their age is, but totally swaying away from it might not be the best thing. This album isn't a bad album but it sounds more like Angels and Airwaves then Blink 182. I like that they held their ground and didn't really go mainstream but at the same time, I am not really a fan of Angels of Airwaves so this new direction is hard for me to grasp. I have only given this album a once over, I will try to give it the benefit of the doubt and listen to it again but none of the songs really grabbed me and I can't really pick out a favorite one or a song that wowed me. I can tell you what itunes recommended off this album and that was After Midnight, Ghost on the Dance Floor, and Up all Night. Those personally didn't grab my attention the first time through but like I said I will give the album a second listen. 

Thing is I feel most Blink 182 fans, or rather old Blink 182 fans will be disappointed with this 6th album. I have a bad taste in my mouth after listening to this album, but only because I am not really an Angels and Airwaves fan and this felt more like that then Blink 182. I feel like this was Limp Bizkit all over again in terms of building up hype for a come back and then the album just doesn't deliver. I pretty much was left with the same feeling that I had after listening to Limp Bizkit's Golden Cobra album and that was, I waited for this?! Now by all means I am not going to lie to you I would still go see Blink 182 live in concert just expect me to be in line for the restroom when they play the stuff off this album because its not my cup of tea. My opinion might change in the 2nd listen but I highly doubt it, just like the Golden Cobra Album this one will just lie dormant in my ipod until shuffle enables a song and when that happens I will probably skip it over anyway. So my two cents is if you like Angels and Airwaves chances are you will totally love this album, if not I honestly can say its a gamble and your better off borrowing it from someone who bought it to make your judgment call.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Halloween Time at Amusement Parks

So its that the time of year again. Halloween time has arrived at the amusement parks. 

Disney has kicked their season off early, launching its Halloween Time promotion on the 16th of September. Aside from the parks being decorated with a boat load of pumpkins and the giant Jack-O-lantern Mickey in town square on Main Street, Disney in a sense goes all out for Halloween. They overhaul two of their E ticket attractions for this holiday season. Space Mountain becomes Space Mountain Ghost Galaxy. The premise is a comet like ghost chases guest while you ride Space Mountain. Haunted Mansion also gets revamped into Haunted Mansion Holiday, where Jack Skellington takes over the house and redecorates it for Halloween/Christmas. Everyone's favorite Disney Characters are also in the spirit as through out the park they are dressed in their Halloween costumes. The villains are also more present through out the parks during the Halloween season. A Halloween firework show is also presented where Jack Skellington acts as the host. The downside to the firework show is its only available to the Mickey Trick or Treat Party guests. That event is after park hours on certain days from now until Halloween. So if you wanna see the show you gotta go to Mickey's Trick or Treat Party. Its basically the same Disneyland, except smaller crowds because its a closed event and you get free candy. (Well technically you pay for the candy since you pay to get in, but regardless you get candy)

Down the street at Knott's Berry Farm, Knott's throws its annual Knott's Scary Farm Halloween Haunt. Mazes, Monsters, and the ever popular Hanging show, grace itself for the 2011 season. This year the new mazes are Delirium: In the deep recesses of the mind, on the clouded brink of insanity, lies the hellish wasteland of delirium; a place so gruesome that your imagination fails to comprehend the horrors. Illusion and paranoia are your only anchors to reality. Welcome to your worst nightmare! End Games Warriors of the Apocalypse: The world as we know it has ended. The survivors in this barren desert have scavenged to rebuild society. The rich and the powerful have turned all others into slaves for sport. Enter the post apocalyptic arena where gladiators are forced to battle to their deaths for entertainment. Are you game? And Invasion Beneath: Details are sketchy but eyewitnesses report that the Calico Mine Ride has been invaded by creatures of unknown origin through a large fissure in the earth’s core.  The creatures posses advanced weaponry and are extremely hostile.  The military has just infiltrated the mountain to try and rescue the survivors and combat the violent attacks. As for the old mazes, Big Top Bizzare, Lockdown, Sleepy Hallow Mountain, Fallout Shelter, Doll Factory, Virus Z, Cornstalkers, Terror London, Slaughterhouse and Dia De Los Muertos 3D return for the 2011 season. A new vampire scarezone is also being introduced this year called Necropolis at Camp Snoopy. Knott's Scary Farm launched itself on the 23rd of September. A little tradition I like do when I go is usually after the Haunt, Knott's has an all you can eat breakfast for $9.99, I always indulge myself after walking through all the mazes, it a tradition I will try to carry on this year as well.

Universal Studios Hollywood Halloween tradition is Horror Nights. Like Knott's Universal Studios is taken over by monsters and mazes. Only difference is this one is a lot better. It costs more to go in but I personally think its worth it compared to Knott's. The special effects are a lot better, since its universal, they sort of have movie effects at their disposal so because of this you get a much better experience then Knott's in terms of the stuff looking real. This year the Terror Tram is being invaded by Ghostface from the Scream Franchise. New mazes are The Thing assimilation, Alice Cooper's Welcome to my Nightmare, Wolfman: The Curse of  Talbot and Hostel Haunting Season. Mazes that have returned are Rob Zombies House of a 1000 corpses, and La Llorona. The new Scarezone is a Scream based one. Three rides are open for this event. The Simpsons ride, Revenge of the Mummy Coaster and Jurrassic Park, which during Horror nights is Jurrassic Park in the dark. If the effects on the ride actually worked it would be pretty cool with the whole dark premise but since they never seem to work it is just funny. When I rode it last year during the raptor and T-Rex part, it looked like the raptors were at a club and the T-Rex was too drunk to move. The effects weren't working so the T-Rex just hung over the drop and looked drunk, the raptors part had a bunch of strobe lights and techno music playing so it looked like a club...anyways aside from those mishaps the ride itself is still cool I guess. Universal also has a Hanging type show, except their show is hosted by Bill and Ted from Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure. Last year they made fun of Twilight, so this year I expect a Harry Potter parody in there some where.

The final theme park Im gonna talk about is Six Flags Magic Mountain. I have personally never gone to this one, mainly because its really far and I usually am cleaned out in funds due to the previous 3 I mentioned, but I have always wanted to go. Thing is, Im not sure how good it is because from the advertising and website it does seem pretty corny. Six Flags Halloween bash is called Fright Fest. They have mazes, scare zones, and a lot of shows. Since I haven't been there before, I am assuming the Dr. Frights Carnevil show is like the Hanging or Bill and Ted's shows. One thing that really interested me is they have some rides Halloween themed. Colossus becomes Colossus Backwards, where its the same ride you just ride it backwards. They have a thing called Terror Tracks, all it is the following rides are operating with no track lights so you don't know where your going. Apocalypse, Tatsu, Riddler's Revenge, Viper and Goliath. X2 becomes X2: Area 19. The ride becomes alien themed. The one I really want to ride is Batman, for Halloween it becomes Foggy Nights. Scarecrow escapes Arkham and releases his fear toxin on the ride. I'm sure its just the same ride through fog but still, the idea intrigues me. I really am going to try and go to this one this year but its still safe to say I will do the other 3 before I do this one. Thing about Six Flags is it comes to the party late, their Halloween season starts October 7th, its a week after Haunt and Horror Nights and 2 weeks after Disney. So it kind of puts itself in last place by default. Its website doesn't help beef it up either all the pics on there look pretty cheesy. The one video that caught my attention got it for the wrong reasons, its their city under seige scare zone in the DC Universe, formally Gotham City the people in the video looked like Joker to me and the girl narrating looked like she was trying to be Harley Quinn. I am probably over thinking it but in my defense my dad thought the same thing and he doesn't like Batman like I do. I will put up that trailer so others can see it.

This Halloween Season looks promising for all parks. Disney is always the family friendlier one and the best in terms of being an all day event but Universal is my favorite to go to, in terms of the whole scary atmosphere. Knott's is a fun time too and the cheapest out of the 3. Six Flags is just there but hopefully this year I can go to it and actually give it a rating. Halloween is always a fun time of the year and at the theme parks its certainly no different.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Batman Arkham City, anticipation keeps on building

The lovely Collector's Edition of Arkham City
On October 17th 2011, when the clock strikes midnight and it shifts to the 18th of October, I will be at my local Gamestop picking up my copy of Batman Arkham City. Naturally I bought the Collectors Edition and yes ladies and gentleman its already payed off. My console of choice the Xbox 360 version. This bad boy is also available for the PS3 and Games for Windows PC as well. The Story picks up one year after the events of Batman Arkham Asylum. Quincy Sharp, played by Tom Kane, is now the Mayor of Gotham City and as Mayor has closed Black Gate Prison and Arkham Asylum, he has closed of a slum section of Gotham City and has deemed it the new Arkham, naming the slum section Arkham City. Hugo Strange, being played by Corey Burton, is hired in as the psychiatrist of Arkham City and an outside corporation Tyger, is brought in as security. Kevin Conroy and Mark Hamill reprise their roles as Batman and Joker respectively. Tara Strong also returns voicing the always lovable Harleen Quinzel. The events of the game are set in motion when Two-Face, voiced by Troy Baker, devises a plan to publicly execute Catwoman, voiced by Grey DeLisle. Batman decides for both the safety of Gotham and of his past relationship with Catwoman that he must stop the execution by entering Arkham City. Catwoman is also a playable character and has side missions. Robin has also been confirmed as a playable character through the Challenge Maps feature that was introduced in the last game. He is the Tim Drake, version of Robin.Who as of right now is only confirmed as bonus content for a Best Buy pre-order, I expect him to turn into DLC content later. Another interesting twist is Bane is also returning but this time as the Bats ally. The story line promises to be much more elaborate this time around.

Wired 360 and the wireless PS3 Batarang Controller
Aside from the awesome collector's edition, which includes a Batman statue by Kotobukiya, a collectible art book, a digitally acquired music album "from WaterTower Music including original songs by hit artists", the DC animated film Batman: Gotham Knight, as well as additional in-game content such as an exclusive skin from The Dark Knight Returns graphic novel and an Iceberg Lounge challenge map. Warner Bros. Interactive entertainment is also launching two Batarang Controllers. One for PS3 and the other for 360. You all know I am getting the 360 one, its kind of a shame its not wireless like the PS3 version but it is still pretty cool none the less. A prequel comic was also released by DC being written by one of the legends of the Batman Mythos, Paul Dini, himself. The artwork is being drawn by Carlos D'Anda. The 5 part limited-series was released on May 11, 2011. A new issue has been released monthly ever since, with only one more left. I sadly have not been able to find them but I am always on the look out. I leave you with the latest trailer released. I am pretty sure I will post more at a later date. In fact I am most likely going to devote the week before the 18th of October to Arkham City in the form of screen shots and trailers. I will still of course post other blog posts. Just a Arkham City tidbit for each day. Its safe to say that once this game is released my GPA will decline for at least a month.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Red State Screening and a Q and A with Kevin Smith at the New Beverly

Sunday evening promises to be a very entertaining one. Kevin Smith is screening his new movie Red State at the New Beverly Cinema in Los Angeles. Followed up by a Q and A with Smith himself. I for one am super excited. Kevin Smith is one of my biggest inspirations in terms of me wanting to emulate his career. Expect me to be front and center for this one, as long as tickets don't sell out, I plan on buying mine tomorrow. I plan to review this event as well so expect a Monday Blog or possible late Sunday Night one on it. For those unfamiliar with Kevin Smith, he is the director and creator of the View Askew Universe. Clerks, Mallrats, Chasing Amy, Dogma, Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, and Clerks II. He has also directed Jersey Girl, Zack and Miri and now Red State. Cop Out was also a movie he directed but did not write... just thought I would mention that but not really embrace it as that movie is considered the worst one he has directed. Anyways back to topic.

Kevin Smith is shying away from the Comedy genre for a bit and moving into the Horror side of things with his new film Red State. The movie stems from the idea of a twisted pastor who feels he is doing the will of god by killing and doing away with sinners and abominations to the bible. Smith said it is inspired by real life pastor Fred Phelps, the pastor in the movie is not suppose to be Fred Phelps but rather is inspired by him and his beliefs simply taken to the full extreme. The movie stars Michael Parks, John Goodman, Melissa Leo, and Stephen Root.

The film was not set for wide release and instead is being independently distributed by Smith himself through the Video on Demand feature. This September 25th Screening is a one time deal, but the movie is available now via PC, Xbox, PS3, Comcast, Direct-TV, itunes, basically anything with a Video on Demand feature. Its gotten mixed reviews by the critics but I'm going in with no expectations and I'm sure that the outcome will be a pleasant one, besides its a Q and A session after words so my night wont be a total bust if the movie isn't good. I have faith in Smith though and I know I will end up liking this film. With that said, I am going to post a couple posters up to sort of build up hype. If this sounds like something you would be down to do then  Click Here and get your ticket information.