Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Blink 182 returns...or do they?

Today was the release of the long over due 6th Album of Blink 182, Neighborhoods, only thing is once you purchase the album it doesn't really sound like you bought a Blink album. For those who thought upon purchasing this album that you would be greeted with a Dude Ranch feel, jokes on you because that is not what is going on here at all. Now Blink 182 wasn't exactly going to go back to their upbeat songs about first dates, small things, and asking what their age is, but totally swaying away from it might not be the best thing. This album isn't a bad album but it sounds more like Angels and Airwaves then Blink 182. I like that they held their ground and didn't really go mainstream but at the same time, I am not really a fan of Angels of Airwaves so this new direction is hard for me to grasp. I have only given this album a once over, I will try to give it the benefit of the doubt and listen to it again but none of the songs really grabbed me and I can't really pick out a favorite one or a song that wowed me. I can tell you what itunes recommended off this album and that was After Midnight, Ghost on the Dance Floor, and Up all Night. Those personally didn't grab my attention the first time through but like I said I will give the album a second listen. 

Thing is I feel most Blink 182 fans, or rather old Blink 182 fans will be disappointed with this 6th album. I have a bad taste in my mouth after listening to this album, but only because I am not really an Angels and Airwaves fan and this felt more like that then Blink 182. I feel like this was Limp Bizkit all over again in terms of building up hype for a come back and then the album just doesn't deliver. I pretty much was left with the same feeling that I had after listening to Limp Bizkit's Golden Cobra album and that was, I waited for this?! Now by all means I am not going to lie to you I would still go see Blink 182 live in concert just expect me to be in line for the restroom when they play the stuff off this album because its not my cup of tea. My opinion might change in the 2nd listen but I highly doubt it, just like the Golden Cobra Album this one will just lie dormant in my ipod until shuffle enables a song and when that happens I will probably skip it over anyway. So my two cents is if you like Angels and Airwaves chances are you will totally love this album, if not I honestly can say its a gamble and your better off borrowing it from someone who bought it to make your judgment call.

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