Sunday, October 23, 2011

Arkham City is Amazing!!!

This game by far will win game of the year. It totally submerses you in the Batman Universe. I have totally enjoyed playing this game, it is partially the reason that I haven't updated the blog this week. Throw in school, work and Horror Nights and you got all the reasons I haven't been updating. I really will try to post something once a day...

Anyways back to the subject. For those who haven't picked up the game you really should go out and buy it, I got the Collector's Edition and it was really worth it. The game play is amazing, with any game it can get repetitive though, but the story is interesting and the different use of all the villains is really cool. Even though I am totally biased because its batman this game is really good. Its gotten perfect scores and has been praised visually as well as story wise. Cool thing is the challenge maps allow you to play as other characters besides Batman. You can play as Catwoman, Robin, and Nightwing. Robin and Nightwing are DLC though. You also can change the appearance of the characters in challenge maps, for instance I played as Catwoman from the animated series. For Batman the skins you can change are; The Dark Knight Returns Skin, Batman Beyond, Batman Animated Series...etc. Catwoman, has the Long Halloween, and the Animated Series. I am not entirely sure of Robin and Nightwing yet, I know Robin has a Red Robin Skin, and the Animated Series Skin. In fact Nightwing might be a skin for Robin but I do think he is a stand alone character. Anyways seriously check this game out if you haven't you will be glad you did. Here is the last trailer released by RockSteady to get you to enjoy this game.

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