Tuesday, December 6, 2011

226 Days and counting till the Dark Knight Rises

So nothing really new to report just wanted to say that its 226 Days till the Nolan Trilogy comes to a close. I as you all know am counting down the days. The prologue comes out in a couple days. Apparently it is coming out on the 16th after all. Even though MI: Ghost Protocol comes out the 21st the IMAX version is still coming out on the 16th. So sorry for the confusion, I know in a earlier post I said that it wasn't going to be released on the 16th but it actually is. Christopher Nolan had this to say about the IMAX Prologue "Giving the fans an early look at an IMAX sequence is a great way to draw attention to what I believe will be an incredible way to experience our story when it comes out next summer."  It most certainly is I can't wait to geek out at Midnight on December 16th if its anything like the Dark Knight Prologue you know there will also be a trailer attached at the end. I am going to post a set pic of Christian Bale but it doesn't really reveal anything its just a cool pic.
Like I said nothing revealing but still a cool pic none the less. The IMAX Prologue is suppose to be the Origin of Bane. So it should be epic! I know this trailer is severly outdated but this was the trailer showed at the end of the Dark Knight Prologue, it was only 45 seconds but it still was enough to leave you wanting more. Hopefully Dark Knight Rises has one just like this.

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