Monday, September 19, 2011

Star Wars Saga Blu-ray Released

So I am aware Im a couple days late on this subject, but I still feel it needs addressing. As you may or may not know the Blu-ray for Star Wars has been released. Normally you think fans would be ecstatic, enthusiastic, but instead they find themselves yelling Darth Vader's last line from Revenge of the Sith, which apparently now finds itself at the end of Return the Jedi. Confused? Don't worry your not alone. In fact the internet is full of fans rants about how they all think George Lucas has gone off the deep end. I personally think George Lucas has gone to the dark side myself. Now I did not get to witness the awesomeness of the original theatrical run that the original "holy" trilogy had. I was introduced to the Special Edition in 97. So to me I always thought Jabba the Hutt was the giant slug thing in Jedi, I didn't know he was a fat guy in 1977 and that his original scene was cut from the film, I wasn't aware of Han shooting first and basically all the original stuff from the original theatrical run. Whats my point in this? Well that's the same view that the new generation of Star Wars fans will have with this Blu-ray release and the soon to follow 3D theatrical run that is rumored for 2013. To them Ewoks will always have blinked and Vader's redemption scene will always be met with the urge to laugh due to the chant of "no...nooo!!!" This is how Lucas wants it to be viewed and this is where the controversy starts.

 The new Return of the Jedi Vader's Redemption scene

Now the argument is whether or not Lucas has the right to just go ahead and tamper with these movies. Well I feel that Lucas can do whatever he wants with them to be honest, they are his creation to a point. He did direct four out of the six in the saga, Empire and Jedi were not directed by him, he was just a producer but you get my point. The reason why I feel he has gone to the Dark Side is because the man has become paranoid over the thought of making Star Wars better, or in lines with what his vision of Star Wars is. In reality he has become the emperor, telling everyone he is doing this because technology can now tell the story he wanted to tell but couldn't. The truth is, it is to milk out every single profit he can from this saga. Why do you think it is being re-released again in 3D? The answer is money, cold hard cash. Lucas is driven by his lust for your money not for a better version of Star Wars. I feel the more he keeps tampering with it the more I feel he just keeps killing Star Wars integrity. The rating that this blu-ray got on IGN was an 8 out of 10. I read the review and honestly consider buying it...

Im aware I just made myself look like a complete hypocrite after what I just wrote but I got to tip my hat to Lucas he knows how to milk the already dried up cow. The reason the Blu-ray got a 8 instead of a 10 was simply the fact that the original versions of episodes IV to VI are not included. The sad thing is Lucas wants to wipe them out of existence because they are not his ultimate version of Star Wars. So these new post edits are here to stay people. We can bitch and moan but they're not going anywhere. Like I said earlier I never saw the original version of Star Wars in theaters, when the re-release of the original trilogy in 2006 came with the original formats I finally did witness their greatness. They're cool and I get why people are complaining, I get it. Thing is Lucas doesn't care, they're his intellectual property. So if he wants to keep re-editing them till the Empire ends up winning instead of the Rebels, then he sadly has every right. Im buying the blu-ray for its load of extras and the fact that it will be in HD. I don't agree with the post edits but me not buying them doesn't stop it. I am aware buying the blu-ray isn't helping either but like I said Lucas is gonna do what he wants. He allowed the Clone Wars to be made...that show and movie is a complete contradiction by the way, Anakin shouldn't be a master and Darth Maul shouldn't still be alive but its not my intellectual property and besides that's a whole another topic for another blog... Anyways back to the point, the blu-ray set regardless of its post edits is still the same story we all love. Yoda is just no longer a puppet, and Darth Vader's role as a bad ass is slightly altered. Its still the same story though just with new cgi and special effects that are possibly not needed but find themselves there anyway. Hate it or love it, either way Lucas wants you to buy it. I sadly find myself giving in but that doesn't mean you have to. Im just giving you my two cents on this debate. Feel free to leave me comments and do the same.

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