Monday, September 12, 2011

What to expect from Gothamgash...

As you can tell or even if you can't, I'm still constructing this page. I'm hoping to make it entertaining and keep people informed on things I feel people might want to know.

Things I will be posting later are as follows, updates on films I find interesting, an example of course is The Dark Knight Rises. Now I won't be posting spoiler type things because I feel that's wrong and disrespectful to the director and everyone working on the film. I mean there are just certain things that aren't suppose to be revealed until you go see the film, having someone spoil it for you totally ruins the overall experience that you were suppose to have; and I personally don't want to be responsible for doing such things, mainly because I myself want to be a director and writer. Just heads up most movies I will inform you on will most likely be super hero movies but other stuff might pop up too.

I will of course try to keep up to date with what is going on with 90.1 FM MtRock. I will try to post things about my favorite musical artists like when new albums are coming out and when concerts pop up.

I am still debating on if I should to do sports, mainly because I would only keep up with the NBA and NFL. I do like other sports but those are the only sports I actively follow, as far as sports that require a team and a ball. I do watch baseball and go to some Dodger games but aside from who is on the Dodgers and specific hall of famers I am not super knowledgeable at it. With that said sports is still pending on my agenda.  I hope that when its all said and done this blogger is able to entertain, because that's really all I'm striving for.

On that note I will end this rant and hopefully soon post some stuff on the agenda.

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