Wednesday, September 21, 2011

302 Days and Counting till the Dark Knight Rises

Its 302 Days till the clock strikes midnight and The Dark Knight Raises is shown on the big screen. As far as shooting is concerned, production is still in Los Angeles. Not much to report on that end. A kind of funny thing has popped up though, its been rumored that Christopher Nolan is keeping the ending secret from the actors of the film. Due to the luxury of the world wide web, the director has taken rather extreme measures to make sure his ending doesn't get leaked out. He has been sending out scripts with missing pages. That's crazy! At the same time totally understandable, When Dark Knight was being filmed certain things got leaked that weren't suppose to be. A Two-face render was leaked before it should of been, and same goes for Joker in the nurse and police outfit. They were just pics but at the same time kind of ruined the movie experience because it was no longer a surprise. So sending out missing pages is kind of a good way to keep things from getting out. Gary Oldman, who is playing the Commissioner Gordon if you didn't already know, believes he is the only actor who knows the true ending of the film."They sent mine out, but it had to be hand-delivered directly to me and nobody else. And the final few pages were missing. I went along and talked to Christopher and in person about the ending. Then I locked it away in my head."  Talk about extreme measures, the video I have posted is a little old but still talks about how tight security measures can get . It was filmed in March but of course is still rather relevant to whats going on filming wise.

Here is a couple more videos of the cast talking about their filming experience on Dark Knight Rises.

Now I put this Interview in, to show how Hardy reacts when asked about the Dark Knight Rises. They called it a vampire film, Hahahaha. I like how he blew off the question. I know this didn't reveal anything, but it was still fun for me to watch. On that note I'm gonna end this random Dark Knight Rises update. There really is not a lot of stuff I can post that isn't spoilerish. So that's why I'm giving you guys interviews. Hopefully more official news gets revealed but until now expect more updates like this one. One last thing, for those of you still hoping for a Two-Face return, I hope your aware if it some how does happen, which it won't, that Two-Face will be back via flashbacks...anyways. I just had to throw that in because a friend kept asking me about Two-Face and arguing with me that he is not dead at the end of the Dark Knight. Sadly he is just in denial, Nolan said he is dead. So yeah there you have it. 7-20-2012 It goes down...

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