Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Blink 182 returns...or do they?

Today was the release of the long over due 6th Album of Blink 182, Neighborhoods, only thing is once you purchase the album it doesn't really sound like you bought a Blink album. For those who thought upon purchasing this album that you would be greeted with a Dude Ranch feel, jokes on you because that is not what is going on here at all. Now Blink 182 wasn't exactly going to go back to their upbeat songs about first dates, small things, and asking what their age is, but totally swaying away from it might not be the best thing. This album isn't a bad album but it sounds more like Angels and Airwaves then Blink 182. I like that they held their ground and didn't really go mainstream but at the same time, I am not really a fan of Angels of Airwaves so this new direction is hard for me to grasp. I have only given this album a once over, I will try to give it the benefit of the doubt and listen to it again but none of the songs really grabbed me and I can't really pick out a favorite one or a song that wowed me. I can tell you what itunes recommended off this album and that was After Midnight, Ghost on the Dance Floor, and Up all Night. Those personally didn't grab my attention the first time through but like I said I will give the album a second listen. 

Thing is I feel most Blink 182 fans, or rather old Blink 182 fans will be disappointed with this 6th album. I have a bad taste in my mouth after listening to this album, but only because I am not really an Angels and Airwaves fan and this felt more like that then Blink 182. I feel like this was Limp Bizkit all over again in terms of building up hype for a come back and then the album just doesn't deliver. I pretty much was left with the same feeling that I had after listening to Limp Bizkit's Golden Cobra album and that was, I waited for this?! Now by all means I am not going to lie to you I would still go see Blink 182 live in concert just expect me to be in line for the restroom when they play the stuff off this album because its not my cup of tea. My opinion might change in the 2nd listen but I highly doubt it, just like the Golden Cobra Album this one will just lie dormant in my ipod until shuffle enables a song and when that happens I will probably skip it over anyway. So my two cents is if you like Angels and Airwaves chances are you will totally love this album, if not I honestly can say its a gamble and your better off borrowing it from someone who bought it to make your judgment call.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Halloween Time at Amusement Parks

So its that the time of year again. Halloween time has arrived at the amusement parks. 

Disney has kicked their season off early, launching its Halloween Time promotion on the 16th of September. Aside from the parks being decorated with a boat load of pumpkins and the giant Jack-O-lantern Mickey in town square on Main Street, Disney in a sense goes all out for Halloween. They overhaul two of their E ticket attractions for this holiday season. Space Mountain becomes Space Mountain Ghost Galaxy. The premise is a comet like ghost chases guest while you ride Space Mountain. Haunted Mansion also gets revamped into Haunted Mansion Holiday, where Jack Skellington takes over the house and redecorates it for Halloween/Christmas. Everyone's favorite Disney Characters are also in the spirit as through out the park they are dressed in their Halloween costumes. The villains are also more present through out the parks during the Halloween season. A Halloween firework show is also presented where Jack Skellington acts as the host. The downside to the firework show is its only available to the Mickey Trick or Treat Party guests. That event is after park hours on certain days from now until Halloween. So if you wanna see the show you gotta go to Mickey's Trick or Treat Party. Its basically the same Disneyland, except smaller crowds because its a closed event and you get free candy. (Well technically you pay for the candy since you pay to get in, but regardless you get candy)

Down the street at Knott's Berry Farm, Knott's throws its annual Knott's Scary Farm Halloween Haunt. Mazes, Monsters, and the ever popular Hanging show, grace itself for the 2011 season. This year the new mazes are Delirium: In the deep recesses of the mind, on the clouded brink of insanity, lies the hellish wasteland of delirium; a place so gruesome that your imagination fails to comprehend the horrors. Illusion and paranoia are your only anchors to reality. Welcome to your worst nightmare! End Games Warriors of the Apocalypse: The world as we know it has ended. The survivors in this barren desert have scavenged to rebuild society. The rich and the powerful have turned all others into slaves for sport. Enter the post apocalyptic arena where gladiators are forced to battle to their deaths for entertainment. Are you game? And Invasion Beneath: Details are sketchy but eyewitnesses report that the Calico Mine Ride has been invaded by creatures of unknown origin through a large fissure in the earth’s core.  The creatures posses advanced weaponry and are extremely hostile.  The military has just infiltrated the mountain to try and rescue the survivors and combat the violent attacks. As for the old mazes, Big Top Bizzare, Lockdown, Sleepy Hallow Mountain, Fallout Shelter, Doll Factory, Virus Z, Cornstalkers, Terror London, Slaughterhouse and Dia De Los Muertos 3D return for the 2011 season. A new vampire scarezone is also being introduced this year called Necropolis at Camp Snoopy. Knott's Scary Farm launched itself on the 23rd of September. A little tradition I like do when I go is usually after the Haunt, Knott's has an all you can eat breakfast for $9.99, I always indulge myself after walking through all the mazes, it a tradition I will try to carry on this year as well.

Universal Studios Hollywood Halloween tradition is Horror Nights. Like Knott's Universal Studios is taken over by monsters and mazes. Only difference is this one is a lot better. It costs more to go in but I personally think its worth it compared to Knott's. The special effects are a lot better, since its universal, they sort of have movie effects at their disposal so because of this you get a much better experience then Knott's in terms of the stuff looking real. This year the Terror Tram is being invaded by Ghostface from the Scream Franchise. New mazes are The Thing assimilation, Alice Cooper's Welcome to my Nightmare, Wolfman: The Curse of  Talbot and Hostel Haunting Season. Mazes that have returned are Rob Zombies House of a 1000 corpses, and La Llorona. The new Scarezone is a Scream based one. Three rides are open for this event. The Simpsons ride, Revenge of the Mummy Coaster and Jurrassic Park, which during Horror nights is Jurrassic Park in the dark. If the effects on the ride actually worked it would be pretty cool with the whole dark premise but since they never seem to work it is just funny. When I rode it last year during the raptor and T-Rex part, it looked like the raptors were at a club and the T-Rex was too drunk to move. The effects weren't working so the T-Rex just hung over the drop and looked drunk, the raptors part had a bunch of strobe lights and techno music playing so it looked like a club...anyways aside from those mishaps the ride itself is still cool I guess. Universal also has a Hanging type show, except their show is hosted by Bill and Ted from Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure. Last year they made fun of Twilight, so this year I expect a Harry Potter parody in there some where.

The final theme park Im gonna talk about is Six Flags Magic Mountain. I have personally never gone to this one, mainly because its really far and I usually am cleaned out in funds due to the previous 3 I mentioned, but I have always wanted to go. Thing is, Im not sure how good it is because from the advertising and website it does seem pretty corny. Six Flags Halloween bash is called Fright Fest. They have mazes, scare zones, and a lot of shows. Since I haven't been there before, I am assuming the Dr. Frights Carnevil show is like the Hanging or Bill and Ted's shows. One thing that really interested me is they have some rides Halloween themed. Colossus becomes Colossus Backwards, where its the same ride you just ride it backwards. They have a thing called Terror Tracks, all it is the following rides are operating with no track lights so you don't know where your going. Apocalypse, Tatsu, Riddler's Revenge, Viper and Goliath. X2 becomes X2: Area 19. The ride becomes alien themed. The one I really want to ride is Batman, for Halloween it becomes Foggy Nights. Scarecrow escapes Arkham and releases his fear toxin on the ride. I'm sure its just the same ride through fog but still, the idea intrigues me. I really am going to try and go to this one this year but its still safe to say I will do the other 3 before I do this one. Thing about Six Flags is it comes to the party late, their Halloween season starts October 7th, its a week after Haunt and Horror Nights and 2 weeks after Disney. So it kind of puts itself in last place by default. Its website doesn't help beef it up either all the pics on there look pretty cheesy. The one video that caught my attention got it for the wrong reasons, its their city under seige scare zone in the DC Universe, formally Gotham City the people in the video looked like Joker to me and the girl narrating looked like she was trying to be Harley Quinn. I am probably over thinking it but in my defense my dad thought the same thing and he doesn't like Batman like I do. I will put up that trailer so others can see it.

This Halloween Season looks promising for all parks. Disney is always the family friendlier one and the best in terms of being an all day event but Universal is my favorite to go to, in terms of the whole scary atmosphere. Knott's is a fun time too and the cheapest out of the 3. Six Flags is just there but hopefully this year I can go to it and actually give it a rating. Halloween is always a fun time of the year and at the theme parks its certainly no different.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Batman Arkham City, anticipation keeps on building

The lovely Collector's Edition of Arkham City
On October 17th 2011, when the clock strikes midnight and it shifts to the 18th of October, I will be at my local Gamestop picking up my copy of Batman Arkham City. Naturally I bought the Collectors Edition and yes ladies and gentleman its already payed off. My console of choice the Xbox 360 version. This bad boy is also available for the PS3 and Games for Windows PC as well. The Story picks up one year after the events of Batman Arkham Asylum. Quincy Sharp, played by Tom Kane, is now the Mayor of Gotham City and as Mayor has closed Black Gate Prison and Arkham Asylum, he has closed of a slum section of Gotham City and has deemed it the new Arkham, naming the slum section Arkham City. Hugo Strange, being played by Corey Burton, is hired in as the psychiatrist of Arkham City and an outside corporation Tyger, is brought in as security. Kevin Conroy and Mark Hamill reprise their roles as Batman and Joker respectively. Tara Strong also returns voicing the always lovable Harleen Quinzel. The events of the game are set in motion when Two-Face, voiced by Troy Baker, devises a plan to publicly execute Catwoman, voiced by Grey DeLisle. Batman decides for both the safety of Gotham and of his past relationship with Catwoman that he must stop the execution by entering Arkham City. Catwoman is also a playable character and has side missions. Robin has also been confirmed as a playable character through the Challenge Maps feature that was introduced in the last game. He is the Tim Drake, version of Robin.Who as of right now is only confirmed as bonus content for a Best Buy pre-order, I expect him to turn into DLC content later. Another interesting twist is Bane is also returning but this time as the Bats ally. The story line promises to be much more elaborate this time around.

Wired 360 and the wireless PS3 Batarang Controller
Aside from the awesome collector's edition, which includes a Batman statue by Kotobukiya, a collectible art book, a digitally acquired music album "from WaterTower Music including original songs by hit artists", the DC animated film Batman: Gotham Knight, as well as additional in-game content such as an exclusive skin from The Dark Knight Returns graphic novel and an Iceberg Lounge challenge map. Warner Bros. Interactive entertainment is also launching two Batarang Controllers. One for PS3 and the other for 360. You all know I am getting the 360 one, its kind of a shame its not wireless like the PS3 version but it is still pretty cool none the less. A prequel comic was also released by DC being written by one of the legends of the Batman Mythos, Paul Dini, himself. The artwork is being drawn by Carlos D'Anda. The 5 part limited-series was released on May 11, 2011. A new issue has been released monthly ever since, with only one more left. I sadly have not been able to find them but I am always on the look out. I leave you with the latest trailer released. I am pretty sure I will post more at a later date. In fact I am most likely going to devote the week before the 18th of October to Arkham City in the form of screen shots and trailers. I will still of course post other blog posts. Just a Arkham City tidbit for each day. Its safe to say that once this game is released my GPA will decline for at least a month.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Red State Screening and a Q and A with Kevin Smith at the New Beverly

Sunday evening promises to be a very entertaining one. Kevin Smith is screening his new movie Red State at the New Beverly Cinema in Los Angeles. Followed up by a Q and A with Smith himself. I for one am super excited. Kevin Smith is one of my biggest inspirations in terms of me wanting to emulate his career. Expect me to be front and center for this one, as long as tickets don't sell out, I plan on buying mine tomorrow. I plan to review this event as well so expect a Monday Blog or possible late Sunday Night one on it. For those unfamiliar with Kevin Smith, he is the director and creator of the View Askew Universe. Clerks, Mallrats, Chasing Amy, Dogma, Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, and Clerks II. He has also directed Jersey Girl, Zack and Miri and now Red State. Cop Out was also a movie he directed but did not write... just thought I would mention that but not really embrace it as that movie is considered the worst one he has directed. Anyways back to topic.

Kevin Smith is shying away from the Comedy genre for a bit and moving into the Horror side of things with his new film Red State. The movie stems from the idea of a twisted pastor who feels he is doing the will of god by killing and doing away with sinners and abominations to the bible. Smith said it is inspired by real life pastor Fred Phelps, the pastor in the movie is not suppose to be Fred Phelps but rather is inspired by him and his beliefs simply taken to the full extreme. The movie stars Michael Parks, John Goodman, Melissa Leo, and Stephen Root.

The film was not set for wide release and instead is being independently distributed by Smith himself through the Video on Demand feature. This September 25th Screening is a one time deal, but the movie is available now via PC, Xbox, PS3, Comcast, Direct-TV, itunes, basically anything with a Video on Demand feature. Its gotten mixed reviews by the critics but I'm going in with no expectations and I'm sure that the outcome will be a pleasant one, besides its a Q and A session after words so my night wont be a total bust if the movie isn't good. I have faith in Smith though and I know I will end up liking this film. With that said, I am going to post a couple posters up to sort of build up hype. If this sounds like something you would be down to do then  Click Here and get your ticket information.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Avatar gets a theme park at Disney's Animal Kingdom... why?

James Cameron movie Avatar has been green lighted for its own theme park or rather attraction, at Disney's Animal Kingdom Park in Florida. The planet of Pandora will grace its presence with 3D holographic technology and audio animatronics.  Production on the park is expected to begin in 2013 and the whole expansion is suppose to take place over a course of 5 years. The projected funding is around $400 million dollars. James Cameron has gone on the record to say...

"Our goal is to go beyond current boundaries of technical innovation and experimental storytelling, give park goers the chance to see, hear and touch the world of Avatar with an unprecedented sense of reality."

I'm not sure of this move by Disney. I don't understand why they would pick Avatar of all movies. Surely there are way better sci-fi films that could of gotten this type of treatment. Disney already owns Tron, why not make a Grid themed park? ElecTronica is a hit at California Adventure and its half-assed for that matter. Imagine its own land, one that actually has light up buildings and not light up cardboard cut outs that would be mind blowing. A Lightcycle ride could be the E-ticket attraction, I'm just saying...

To be honest I was never really on the Avatar band wagon, so maybe Im not seeing the big picture here. Question is do I want to? Sure Avatar is the highest grossing film of all time, but I wouldn't call it the best movie though. Actually aside from the stunning visuals the plot of this movie is medicore. It's been quoted as dances with wolves meets the smurfs. After hearing that remark I couldn't take the film seriously anymore because when you think about it, that comment is totally feasible. I guess Disney is trying to capitalize on the success of the Harry Potter Wizard World. They figure people wanna be submersed in the universes of the movies they love, which totally makes sense but I don't feel Avatar is that movie. Like I said I just don't see the big picture here, or care to understand it. If Avatar is your film then kudos to you because soon you will be able to set foot on the planet you love, but if your like me your just scratching your head at why this film is getting its own theme park and why Disney can't do this with the already huge line of films it already has. I say a Tron universe park would be something to see or how about they incorporate that Marvel buy out into the theme parks, now that would be something to see...

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

302 Days and Counting till the Dark Knight Rises

Its 302 Days till the clock strikes midnight and The Dark Knight Raises is shown on the big screen. As far as shooting is concerned, production is still in Los Angeles. Not much to report on that end. A kind of funny thing has popped up though, its been rumored that Christopher Nolan is keeping the ending secret from the actors of the film. Due to the luxury of the world wide web, the director has taken rather extreme measures to make sure his ending doesn't get leaked out. He has been sending out scripts with missing pages. That's crazy! At the same time totally understandable, When Dark Knight was being filmed certain things got leaked that weren't suppose to be. A Two-face render was leaked before it should of been, and same goes for Joker in the nurse and police outfit. They were just pics but at the same time kind of ruined the movie experience because it was no longer a surprise. So sending out missing pages is kind of a good way to keep things from getting out. Gary Oldman, who is playing the Commissioner Gordon if you didn't already know, believes he is the only actor who knows the true ending of the film."They sent mine out, but it had to be hand-delivered directly to me and nobody else. And the final few pages were missing. I went along and talked to Christopher and in person about the ending. Then I locked it away in my head."  Talk about extreme measures, the video I have posted is a little old but still talks about how tight security measures can get . It was filmed in March but of course is still rather relevant to whats going on filming wise.

Here is a couple more videos of the cast talking about their filming experience on Dark Knight Rises.

Now I put this Interview in, to show how Hardy reacts when asked about the Dark Knight Rises. They called it a vampire film, Hahahaha. I like how he blew off the question. I know this didn't reveal anything, but it was still fun for me to watch. On that note I'm gonna end this random Dark Knight Rises update. There really is not a lot of stuff I can post that isn't spoilerish. So that's why I'm giving you guys interviews. Hopefully more official news gets revealed but until now expect more updates like this one. One last thing, for those of you still hoping for a Two-Face return, I hope your aware if it some how does happen, which it won't, that Two-Face will be back via flashbacks...anyways. I just had to throw that in because a friend kept asking me about Two-Face and arguing with me that he is not dead at the end of the Dark Knight. Sadly he is just in denial, Nolan said he is dead. So yeah there you have it. 7-20-2012 It goes down...

Monday, September 19, 2011

Star Wars Saga Blu-ray Released

So I am aware Im a couple days late on this subject, but I still feel it needs addressing. As you may or may not know the Blu-ray for Star Wars has been released. Normally you think fans would be ecstatic, enthusiastic, but instead they find themselves yelling Darth Vader's last line from Revenge of the Sith, which apparently now finds itself at the end of Return the Jedi. Confused? Don't worry your not alone. In fact the internet is full of fans rants about how they all think George Lucas has gone off the deep end. I personally think George Lucas has gone to the dark side myself. Now I did not get to witness the awesomeness of the original theatrical run that the original "holy" trilogy had. I was introduced to the Special Edition in 97. So to me I always thought Jabba the Hutt was the giant slug thing in Jedi, I didn't know he was a fat guy in 1977 and that his original scene was cut from the film, I wasn't aware of Han shooting first and basically all the original stuff from the original theatrical run. Whats my point in this? Well that's the same view that the new generation of Star Wars fans will have with this Blu-ray release and the soon to follow 3D theatrical run that is rumored for 2013. To them Ewoks will always have blinked and Vader's redemption scene will always be met with the urge to laugh due to the chant of "no...nooo!!!" This is how Lucas wants it to be viewed and this is where the controversy starts.

 The new Return of the Jedi Vader's Redemption scene

Now the argument is whether or not Lucas has the right to just go ahead and tamper with these movies. Well I feel that Lucas can do whatever he wants with them to be honest, they are his creation to a point. He did direct four out of the six in the saga, Empire and Jedi were not directed by him, he was just a producer but you get my point. The reason why I feel he has gone to the Dark Side is because the man has become paranoid over the thought of making Star Wars better, or in lines with what his vision of Star Wars is. In reality he has become the emperor, telling everyone he is doing this because technology can now tell the story he wanted to tell but couldn't. The truth is, it is to milk out every single profit he can from this saga. Why do you think it is being re-released again in 3D? The answer is money, cold hard cash. Lucas is driven by his lust for your money not for a better version of Star Wars. I feel the more he keeps tampering with it the more I feel he just keeps killing Star Wars integrity. The rating that this blu-ray got on IGN was an 8 out of 10. I read the review and honestly consider buying it...

Im aware I just made myself look like a complete hypocrite after what I just wrote but I got to tip my hat to Lucas he knows how to milk the already dried up cow. The reason the Blu-ray got a 8 instead of a 10 was simply the fact that the original versions of episodes IV to VI are not included. The sad thing is Lucas wants to wipe them out of existence because they are not his ultimate version of Star Wars. So these new post edits are here to stay people. We can bitch and moan but they're not going anywhere. Like I said earlier I never saw the original version of Star Wars in theaters, when the re-release of the original trilogy in 2006 came with the original formats I finally did witness their greatness. They're cool and I get why people are complaining, I get it. Thing is Lucas doesn't care, they're his intellectual property. So if he wants to keep re-editing them till the Empire ends up winning instead of the Rebels, then he sadly has every right. Im buying the blu-ray for its load of extras and the fact that it will be in HD. I don't agree with the post edits but me not buying them doesn't stop it. I am aware buying the blu-ray isn't helping either but like I said Lucas is gonna do what he wants. He allowed the Clone Wars to be made...that show and movie is a complete contradiction by the way, Anakin shouldn't be a master and Darth Maul shouldn't still be alive but its not my intellectual property and besides that's a whole another topic for another blog... Anyways back to the point, the blu-ray set regardless of its post edits is still the same story we all love. Yoda is just no longer a puppet, and Darth Vader's role as a bad ass is slightly altered. Its still the same story though just with new cgi and special effects that are possibly not needed but find themselves there anyway. Hate it or love it, either way Lucas wants you to buy it. I sadly find myself giving in but that doesn't mean you have to. Im just giving you my two cents on this debate. Feel free to leave me comments and do the same.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Island in the Sun Album and The Seedless Summer Tour ends

Shwayze releases his 3rd studio album Island in the Sun. The album dropped on Tuesday I was able to pick up my copy today. I will say this album is definitely worth a listen too, its a shame Summer is over because this album definitely has that Summer feel(apparent in the title of course). Shwayze seemed to sway away from the club type mixes that Let it Beat was known for and has gone back to the style of his first album. Island in the Sun is independently released but hopefullly will get radio play. My favorite songs so far have been: Drunk off your love feat. Sky Blu from LMFAO, Golden Dreams and the song Island in the Sun. This album has a potential to release a couple singles and I feel if they get radio play this album will be on par with his first one and be a hit. This album won't have any club jams like Let it Beat, but this is one of those albums you can put on and sit back and have a beer too. I recommend you check this album out, its really worth a listen.

Slighty Stoopid's Seedless Summer Tour feat. Rebelution and Shwayze ends this Sunday at Verizon Wireless Ampitheatre in Irvine CA. I've heard good reviews about this show and really want to go. I unfortunately won't be attending, due to my school load of homework, but believe me if I didn't have to I would so be there. Tickets range from $16 to $35 but with those convenience charges ( I feel there is nothing convenient about them but eh) your looking at $30 to $50 bucks. If you have the chance I would recommend attending this show.

Bucky Larson's weeps because nobody likes his movie

Bucky crying because his movie is getting tagged as the worst movie ever

I just finished watching Bucky Larson: Born to be a Star starring Nick Swardson, Christina Ricci and Don Johnson. After leaving the movie it's apparent that poor little Bucky wasn't born to be a star we was born to be a box-office flop. Now mind you if you went into this movie with high hopes then the real joke is on you; the movie is a b-list cast not terrible actors but definitely b-list material, despite being a Happy Madison Production, it definitely at the bottom of the list of movies this production company has dished out, being a stereo-typical Sandler movie where everyone from previous films makes an appearance you pretty much get the same type of raunchy humor that Sandler films are known for but none the less the movie did serve its purpose and managed to entertain me none the less. 

The plot of the film, if you can find it, is Bucky Larson (real creative name, wonder why is name is Bucky) played by Nick Swarson is a naive and socially awkward young man who discovers his parents are famous 70s porn stars and sets out for Hollywood to follow in their footsteps and be a star on the silver screen. He meets Kathy played by Christina Ricci a waitress working at a diner who helps him get a place to stay. Miles Deep played by Chris Johnson is a porn director who discovers Bucky and puts him in his movies. Bucky becomes a hit and takes the porn industry by storm and takes Kathy on as his love interest.

That is the just of it without giving away specific details and of course the ending. I can see why this movie has been so heavily panned, its plot is just thrown together and it seemed like this movie stemmed from the idea of a short film and just got dragged out. It takes a while for the movie to pick up and really get going, once it does it doesn't really do much. I noticed the few people who did decide to watch the movie left the theater because it was just taking to long to get to anywhere. The jokes are what you would expect raunchy and perverted. It did have funny moments not gut splitting but still funny moments none the less. I didn't go in expecting much so for the most part I wasn't disappointed because of that premise. I was upset about the lack of Dante's character, who I thought would be more involved in the movie due to his role in the trailer. That's my only real gripe with the film. When it was all said and done, me and my friend were the only ones left in the theater and it was maybe a total of 10 people too for the whole showing, so we were the 1 out of 5 who tolerated the movie. I am not saying this movie is a good movie, its just sort of there and doesn't really do anything. However I did laugh and I did enjoy some parts of the movie. This movie is simply a rent only, something to watch on netflix when you can't find anything to watch really. I am not going to blast this movie like the critics; in fact I kind of wanted to watch this movie based on some of the reviews. I kind of feel that sometimes when the critics say its a bad movie, the majority of the world sees the opposite, Bucky Larson isn't that movie though. To pretty much sum it up, don't waste your cash on this movie go see something else but if your a fan of raunchy comedy then this movie is right up your alley. Sad thing is I feel Bucky Larson will be considered the worst movie of 2011 and I can see Nick Swardson trying to get people to forget that he made this film or at least see him severely apologizing for it. With that said I forgive you Nick Swardson, I forgive you...

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Dark Knight Rises 310 Days and Counting

As you would expect I am counting down the days till the final chapter to Christopher Nolan's Batman story. The Dark Knight Rises. This installment promises to bring everything full circle. The sad part to all this is that when this movie is all said and done there will not be anymore sequels to follow, or at least sequels that Nolan will direct or that will be part of HIS universe of Batman. The confirmed Villains for the third movie have been Bane and Selina Kyle aka Catwoman; played by Tom Hardy and Anne Hathaway respectively. Other key casting that has been confirmed by Warner Bros. is Marion Cotillard (Malorie Cobb from Inception) and Joesph Gordon Levitt (Arthur from Inception and  Tom from 500 Days of Summer) as new characters to the trilogy. Also joining the cast is Josh Pence who will be playing the role of  a Young Ra's Al Ghul. Who as you may or may not remember was the key villian in Batman Begins. Ra's is rumored to be in the movie via flashbacks as his younger self. However those of you familiar with the character of Ra's al Ghul might be skeptical to that statement  due to the history of the character provided in the comics. For those unaware Ra's al Ghul is actually thousands of years old and is able to keep himself alive through his lazurus pits, although that was not mentioned in Batman Begins, keep in mind that it was only implied that he parished at the end of the film, it was never shown. So it is entirely possible that the original Ra's al Ghul played by Liam Neeson is still likely to show up, but its just rumor at this point.

From left to right Marion Cotillard, Joesph Gordon Levitt, and Josh Pence
On that note lets shift gears to what has officially been released media wise. The first official pic of Bane and Catwoman have been revealed, as well as the films first teaser trailer and poster. Bane was met with critical praise and was revealed in a viral campaign similar to the Jokers reveal that was used for The Dark Knight.

First Official Pic of Bane
Catwoman however has met mixed reviews. Lets just point out in terms of the whole Catwoman not looking like Catwoman thing: first off, its just a still, second, this same criticism was met with Joker's first pic after it was revealed he wears make up instead of being permanently white, how valid is that argument now? Regardless I feel that Catwoman will be impressive in the movie none the less. In my own opinon I don't need Anne Hathaway to actually wear cat ears to be catwoman if she does or doesn't I won't care. Im excited to see a new spin on Selina Kyle regardless the outcome. Remember people trust in Nolan he knows what he is doing.

The left one is the official one, the right one is a manip that fanboys hope comes to fruition

As far as shooting goes. The movie is being filmed under the alias "Magnus Rex" for those who remember Dark Knight was filmed under the work title of "Rory's First Kiss". This is obviously done for security measures and at the same time to keep the average people who don't research these things on the net, clueless to what is really being filmed. Despite this, news still gets out and set pics have appeared all over the place. I won't be posting any because I feel its disrespectful to do so and I also don't want to ruin the movie for myself, and the fact that I don't want to get in trouble is another reason too. So if you want to find those pics look else where because you won't find them here, sorry. The movie has finished up filming in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and is currently filming in Los Angeles. Filming is expected to wrap up in Los Angeles in mid October and wrap up its filming in New York at the end of November. When more news is released I will make sure to post it here. For now I will leave the Teaser, lets hope that a trailer will be released in time for Christmas seeing as all the film's footage will be available after November. Keep in mind this teaser was created with only a month full of footage, it may not reveal much but remember its not suppose too. Its just suppose to create hype and I feel its done a pretty good job. July 20 2012 can't come any faster.

Official Teaser Trailer

Monday, September 12, 2011

What to expect from Gothamgash...

As you can tell or even if you can't, I'm still constructing this page. I'm hoping to make it entertaining and keep people informed on things I feel people might want to know.

Things I will be posting later are as follows, updates on films I find interesting, an example of course is The Dark Knight Rises. Now I won't be posting spoiler type things because I feel that's wrong and disrespectful to the director and everyone working on the film. I mean there are just certain things that aren't suppose to be revealed until you go see the film, having someone spoil it for you totally ruins the overall experience that you were suppose to have; and I personally don't want to be responsible for doing such things, mainly because I myself want to be a director and writer. Just heads up most movies I will inform you on will most likely be super hero movies but other stuff might pop up too.

I will of course try to keep up to date with what is going on with 90.1 FM MtRock. I will try to post things about my favorite musical artists like when new albums are coming out and when concerts pop up.

I am still debating on if I should to do sports, mainly because I would only keep up with the NBA and NFL. I do like other sports but those are the only sports I actively follow, as far as sports that require a team and a ball. I do watch baseball and go to some Dodger games but aside from who is on the Dodgers and specific hall of famers I am not super knowledgeable at it. With that said sports is still pending on my agenda.  I hope that when its all said and done this blogger is able to entertain, because that's really all I'm striving for.

On that note I will end this rant and hopefully soon post some stuff on the agenda.