Monday, October 31, 2011

Dark Knight Rises Prologue....

So chances are this won't me super new to people, I know I am very late on posting this info up but regardless Im still putting it up. Remember when Dark Knight was in production and they attached the first 10 min of the Dark Knight to I am Legend. Warner Bros.  is doing it again with Dark Knight Rises, this time they are attaching it to Mission Impossible IV. I personally do not like the Mission Impossible franchise but I will still be going to see it, only thing is once the Rises prologue is done I will leave the theatre and ask for my money back. This of course is an IMAX exclusive, in case you didn't know the Dark Knight Rises is being shot with IMAX cameras so this time around the whole thing will be bigger and better. I strongly feel that this movie, the Dark Knight Rises, will not be victim to the dreaded third movie curse.....anyways that I all got I am keeping a look out for spoiler free news but is very hard to find now a days.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Arkham City is Amazing!!!

This game by far will win game of the year. It totally submerses you in the Batman Universe. I have totally enjoyed playing this game, it is partially the reason that I haven't updated the blog this week. Throw in school, work and Horror Nights and you got all the reasons I haven't been updating. I really will try to post something once a day...

Anyways back to the subject. For those who haven't picked up the game you really should go out and buy it, I got the Collector's Edition and it was really worth it. The game play is amazing, with any game it can get repetitive though, but the story is interesting and the different use of all the villains is really cool. Even though I am totally biased because its batman this game is really good. Its gotten perfect scores and has been praised visually as well as story wise. Cool thing is the challenge maps allow you to play as other characters besides Batman. You can play as Catwoman, Robin, and Nightwing. Robin and Nightwing are DLC though. You also can change the appearance of the characters in challenge maps, for instance I played as Catwoman from the animated series. For Batman the skins you can change are; The Dark Knight Returns Skin, Batman Beyond, Batman Animated Series...etc. Catwoman, has the Long Halloween, and the Animated Series. I am not entirely sure of Robin and Nightwing yet, I know Robin has a Red Robin Skin, and the Animated Series Skin. In fact Nightwing might be a skin for Robin but I do think he is a stand alone character. Anyways seriously check this game out if you haven't you will be glad you did. Here is the last trailer released by RockSteady to get you to enjoy this game.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Plethora of Videos

I just thought this pic was cool and wanted to post it

So I was hoping to post a trailer a day for Arkham City starting last week but that didn't go so well as you can tell. Being Producer of a morning show and then other homework on top of that is really taking up my time. So I decided to put up one of the morning shows podcast up. I put this one up because: one, it was giving me a hard time because of the Avengers trailer in it, and two, it has the Avengers trailer in it so enjoy that. Below that is a couple Arkham City Trailers. Tomorrow I will post some more Arkham City Trailers and hopefully if all goes well I pick up my game at midnight tomorrow and play that sucker all day Tuesday.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Been lagging on updates...

I've really been dropping the ball on updating lately. For that I apologize, as far as Dark Knight Rises news, nothings really changed.

There has been a video surfacing that has key spoilers in it, its a video of the production and it basically gives away a huge chunk of the plot, maybe even possibly the climax of the film. I haven't seen it, thank god, and I don't plan on looking for it. Just be very cautious when looking up news on Rises because chances are most sites who don't give a flip about revealing spoilers will have it posted. I am posting a video of Tom Hardy proving to the Fanboys that he did bulk up for the role of Bane, you can tell with the naked eye, just fanboys are still whining that he isn't big enough. Personally I say get the F*&#! over it because he looks like Bane hes got the mask and his buff and he kicks Batman's ass, aside from a Venom tube he sounds like Bane to me. Thing is venom tube or no venom tube his character will still be better then the Bane from Batman and Robin and will actually be intelligent like in the comics so I am super excited to see him on the big screen.

On October 18th, not only does Arkham City come out, but another cool Batman thing coming out is the animated film Batman Year One. Now this film is highly praised for being really faithful to the comics. Its defnitely something worth seeing. Its not really Batman Begins in cartoon form, it is similar to it but at the same time definitely has its own identity. I am also picking up this film on the 18th as well. So sometime during that week I will post a review up of the film, of course after I give the Batman Arkham City game a once over in terms of beating the games story. Notable voice actors for this one are Benjamin McKenzie as Batman/Bruce Wayne, McKenzie was in the show the O.C. as Ryan Atwood, I never saw it but thats what IMDB lists as his most notable role. Catwoman makes an appearance in this film and shes played by Eliza Dushku, however the Catwoman appearance is in a short film attached with the DVD. So its not really in the Year one film, but either way its still something to check out.

 So that it as far as an update I got another video for Arkham City, I am still gonna keep up on posting the trailers, so if I don't update in terms of news expect the Arkham City Trailers. I will also post up a Year One trailer just not on this update. So as far as anticipation goes I am super excited for this game, and the Batman movie Year one, its definitely is a perfect time to be a fan of Batman because of all the stuff coming out.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Morning Show Podcast, plus Batman Arkham City Teaser

So I haven't announced my new title on the blog. I am now the producer of the morning show for, 8ballz in the Morning. I am putting up the podcast here so you can check it out.

As promised I will be putting up the Arkham City Trailers, I realize its old but Im doing this to build up hype for the 18th. This isn't a teaser its actually a hidden Easter egg in Arkham Asylum but it is very relevant to Arkham City.

Friday, October 7, 2011

The Simpsons, looks like they might finally say Goodbye

So after 23 years of being on the air, Fox might have to pull the plug on Americas cartoon family The Simpsons. Its hard to believe, its even harder to believe the reason behind it. With all things there is always one key point and this is no different the situation behind the Simpsons being cancelled is money. Fox released this statement

"We believe this brilliant series can and should continue, but we cannot produce future seasons under its current financial model, We are hopeful that we can reach an agreement with the voice cast that allows 'The Simpsons' to go on entertaining audiences with original episodes for many years to come." 20th Century Fox Television.

There are 6 cast members that are having a dispute over the funds of their contracts, 4 of them being the Simpsons Family themselves. Homer,(Dan Castellaneta) Marge, (Julie Kavner) Lisa (Yeardley Smith) and Bart (Nancy Cartwright).  Fox followed up with a news update on the Daily Beast saying that if the actors refused to take a 45% pay cut the show would be canceled, making the final season being the 24th so it would end this year. The almost tragic irony is the producers and everyone else involved was ok with the pay cut but the voice actors are the ones holding out. Fox can't afford to keep the show a float, the show has managed to stay on despite being way past its primes in terms of what the earlier seasons delivered. I personally like the first 9 seasons. After that there's only really certain shows from the seasons after that I find memorable, or really funny. Anyways back to the point, Fox obviously wants the show to continue, just the way the show is now its not financially successful. Either way the show is record breaking for lasting this long, it should be able to warrant a final send off. Going out this way leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I admit I haven't watched the Simpson's religiously in the recent years but I do watch the older seasons every now and then so it saddens me that this is happening to the show. It will be weird to turn on the TV and see something else in its place on Sunday after its had that spot for so long. I am still a fan and I wanted to see one more Simpson's movie. Hopefully this sour note doesn't taint the possibility of a Simpson's 2 on the big screen. I hope this problem gets resolved, I do feel the Simpson's should end its run soon and should not go past 25 seasons but it should at least have the chance to make it that far, coming up short by one number really makes the show look defeated. Either way this goes, the Simpson's will be able to say that there show is the record holder for the longest running scripted television series, broadcasted in more then 100 countries and 50 languages. Its got a ride at Universal Studios, has a walk on the Hollywood Hall of Fame, and can say that it easily cemented itself in American Pop Culture for the last 20 years.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

The Joker in Dark Knight Rises... yeah right Let's not blow this out of porpotion

Okay so lets get the rumor in the title clarified, Joker is not returning. I put that in there simply to grab peoples attention. Nolan has clarified that Joker is not going to pop up in Rises at all. No cameo, no voice over, no picture, nothing. I am of course deeply saddened by this news but understand why it is that way. I bring this up because a lot of people have the idea that Joker is still in this movie, and that he is the big twist during the climax. Joesph Gordon Levitt's character is rumored to be the Joker in disguise. Its all but wishful thinking. Its not probable, it would be sort of cool but at the same time a cheap parlor trick. Yes Joesph Gordon Levitt and Heath Ledger have a similar appearance, but Joesph Gordon Levitt's character is a whole new character not in the comics just for the film, I know the name of the character but in case you want to be kept in the dark on it, I will black out his character's name. Just highlight it with the cursor so you can see it if you choose too. (John Blake) is the name of his character and he is a special cop in Gordon's Unit, he might have a hidden plot twist in the story but even if that is the case it won't be as the Joker. I would love for the Joker to show up, to be honest I have the way I want the scene to be played out in my head. It doesn't ever show his face and I feel its very respectful to Ledger and leaves everyone with an awesome feeling if they were to shoot it. My idea is show Harley Quinn break him out of his cell, show him from the back or show his shadow, you have his maniacal laugh echo through the asylum and then boom credit roll. I would geek out if that was real but it won't happen. If Levitt's Character does have a plot twist, I would bet it would involve him being part of the league of shadows or something along that. Definitely no Joker.

They might look the same but there is no chance that the Joker is being played by Levitt

Another rumored character in Rises is the character of Talia Al Ghul. That is the character that Marion Cotillard is rumored to be playing. Like Levitt's character, Marion has stated in interviews that her character is not in any comics and is solely made up for this film. That might be true but it is possible her character could be Talia Al Ghul. After all her father is in the movie, so it would make sense to have Talia in the movie if Ra's is. For those who don't know the character of Talia, she is the daughter of Ra's Al Ghul. She has a love and hate relationship with Batman, literally. She bares Batman's son Damian Wayne but because of her fathers hatred for Batman and her loyalty to Ra's she too tries to kill Batman. Like the whole Catwoman/Batman love thing there relationship is complicated. The reason her character is most likely in this movie is because there was a comic with Ra's, Bane and her. Ra's wanted Bane to marry her to take over the League of Shadows. Its possible that the comic could be played out in some context in the film but its not a fact.  Marion's character hasn't been confirmed as a major role but she has supposedly had scenes with Christian Bale, like Levitt's character I will blackout her name and you can scroll over it if you want. Miranda Tate, she is a executive adviser to Bruce Wayne. This is one of those rumors that is actually possible, I for one would like a similar plot twist to Begins where you find out her character is Talia Al Ghul but its simply speculation at this point.

Talia Al Ghul in the middle of Batman and Ra's Al Ghul.
There is a couple other rumors out there but I don't need to go into details on them. Everyone knows Harvey Dent isn't coming back at least in the present time line of the film. I have already given my two cents on Two-Face but if you need to hear it again its, ta dah... Nolan said he is dead. So there yeah go. Scarecrow hasn't been confirmed for a cameo, honestly he doesn't need one but if he pops up again then that's still pretty cool. Penguin and Riddler are not in the film, there characters might be mentioned as cameos but simply as their aliases Oswald Cobblepot and Edward Nashton or Nigma whatever the heck comic book continuity they go with for Riddler but as far as being in the film we all no that's a big fat NO. There is no Black Mask, there is supposedly a Mad Scientist character that has been added to the cast. I will try to find out more info on it, rumor is its Hugo Strange but I doubt it. Nolan has a lot of characters in the movie already, I know he would be able to pull off multiple villains because his whole Batman Universe has had multiple villains in each film but I doubt Strange would pop up as a key villain in the film. Then again I am not Nolan so you never know maybe its all true. One fact I will bring to this post is the Football Team for the movie is called the Gotham Rogues. Key Pittsburgh Steelers players are in the movie as part of the team, Hines Ward and Ben Roethlisberger are the two I know are confirmed. The logos pretty cool, I don't like the Steelers colors I am not a fan but if this shirt or jersey becomes available for purchase best believe I will buy it.
Not a fan of Steeler's colors but its still cool none the less

That's all I got for this post, its not really breaking news but there hasn't been really any big ones that I can report anyway. Remember I did break the posting set pics rule but the stuff I am posting isn't big shocking secrets that will really distract the overall experience of the film. There is a chance I might post set pics again but its very unlikely, they would have to be similar to what I posted last time. With the final two months of filming underway though I feel everything that would show up on the net would be spoilers anyway. So yeah enough about the rant, there is my latest post hope it entertained you for the time frame you read it.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

I broke my one rule...

So first off, let me apologize for not really updating this week. I'm trying to actually pass my classes this semester so homework has had me swamped, that and some personal vendettas as well. Updating the blog was not really on the priorities list for this week and to be honest I kind of want to put this week behind me because it wasn't a good one, also I apologize for not having a Red State review like I promised, the event sold out so I wasn't able to go. I have also been too busy to stream the movie but will eventually get to that its just gonna take a while, but anyways enough about me, lets talk Dark Knight Rises News.

So filming is pretty much done in Los Angeles. A casting call has been thrown out to New York, of course under that working title "Magnus Rex". A couple key scenes were shot in LA featuring the feline vixen, what seems to be the big buzz around miss Hathaway is her suit was finally fully revealed. I personally like it, it reminds me of the old Catwoman costume that Julie Newmar wore from Adam West's Batman. Once again however fanboys are lashing out, now its too much like a cat. I don't get it you can't ever please these people. This isn't the first time Nolan has used the 1960's Batman as inspiration for something in this film series. Remember the Joker clown mask in the bank robbery scene in the Dark Knight? Cesar Romero's Joker wore that mask first, so its safe to say Nolan gets his Batman sources from all related media. Not sure if Julie Newmar was an inspiration for the suit but you can't help but see the resemblance. The pic hasn't been officially revealed by Warner Bros, so the pics around the net are set pics. I know I said I wouldn't post any set pics up on this blog, but they don't really spoil anything. I came across them sort of by accident. I haven't looked up the plot or anything so these pics just cause anticipation and speculation for me, I hope posting them does the same for others. If seeing this pics has killed the integrity of the movie for you then I apologize. I felt that it was necessary for me to post them up and show whats been shot without really showing what has been shot. Does that even make sense? 

Julie Newmar on the left, Hathaway on the right. I don't see how this suit looks ridiculous

Romero's clown mask is almost identical to Heath's. Nolan definitely was a fan of the Adam West Batman
I am still super stoked for this movie more then you guys would know. My friend told me that one of her friends got to be an extra in the film and got to have a full on convo with Tom Hardy. I geeked out when she told me, I was also jealous because I auditioned for it, and as you can tell was not called back. Anyways the Bane pics I posted might be from LA they might not, they might be from Pittsburgh, I am not 100 percent sure and I am not really looking into it either. Enjoy them is all I am saying. I like his look, I am glad he doesn't have a giant tube in his head like in Arkham Asylum and Arkham City. Not entirely sure if anything will be added on to him in post production but if its not I am totally fine with it. He looks bad ass, and apparently is beating Bats pretty bad too. So that's all I got news wise, or at least what I am willing to reveal haha. There is still that false rumor that Aaron Eckhart will show up on a set, I don't get why, people are just in denial at this point. Two-Face is dead. You might get Liam Neeson but that right now is just a rumor too, I don't know of any scenes with Josh Pence that have been shot yet, for those who don't remember who he is, he is playing Ra's Al Ghul. I'm assuming his stuff is in New York or there is a good chance his stuff was shot overseas, One more thing I'm going to add before I end this is Juno Temple has been cast in this film as well. She is apparently the main girl in the new Three Musketeers movie, reason this is big is her character is rumored to be Holly Robinson. Holly Robinson is Catwoman's side kick. So that's it for this update on The Dark Knight Rises. Just as a teaser for the next one I will go into some rumors as to who certain actors are playing, like Joesph Gordon Levitt and Marion Cotilliard. There are a lot of rumors, stupid rumors, as to who there characters really are in the film, but I will touch on that next time. 
I like this outfit, its more urban then pro wrestler like in the comics
This pic is just bad ass, I'm just leaving it at that